Sunday, February 6, 2011

Back Surgery...

This is not going to be a normal post. I have had a lot of people tell me not to be with Blake because he will be broken 30 years down the road. Well, I am glad to tell those people, he is broken now, he needs fixing and he will be just fine 30 years down the road. I know this for a fact. Blake's dad also had the same problem when he was even younger than Blake. Since the surgery with Kelly, 30 odd years ago, he has built multiple homes and has maintained more than his share of houses to this day.

Marriage. Well, that is on hold. I do get the pressures of getting married a lot and I am excited to get married. But, the way I see it is. Work hard now, enjoy later. Meaning: I am close to being done with school and so is Blake(depending if I get my masters). We both have great jobs right now and not very many bills to pay. This is why we both live at home cause it is close to each other. If we were to get married right away right now back surgery is VERY expensive. With Blake being double insured I don't have to see that bill. The doctor said that it would take a full year to see recovery. Ya, that pretty much blows. Plus, right after surgery it is about 4 months of practically bed rest. My point: I would really enjoy having Blake being healthy than get married right away. (Plus, if I wait longer, I get a bigger ring!! JUST KIDDING) That is a big joke in the Blake's family.

One down side. Blake's sister is trying to get married again. I would love to see her go through the temple. She has to play the waiting game right now to see when she can get married and sealed to Brandt, who I think is the best for her. I love Jo and I never want to see her hurt. I became very close to her after her divorce and I never want to see her sad again. As much as I could help it I would love to get married before her just so I can see her go through. (that is really selfish of me) But she already knows this. lol.
Top: Christmas day Bottom: SnowCross

